Apply to Vote by Post

Voting by post is convenient if you can’t make it to the polling station on election day. After you provide your details below, we’ll send you the link to apply for a postal vote online and instructions on submitting it. Alternatively, you can download and print a form and send it to the Bolton Election Office. It’s an easy process, ensuring you never miss out on your chance to vote.

Key Points to Include:

  • Postal voting allows you to cast your vote from home if you’re away or otherwise unable to vote in person.
  • Once you receive the link to the official postal vote application, simply complete the form and submit it or return it to your local electoral office within the stated deadlines.

Register to Vote by Post

May help users find the correct local electoral office.
I agree to receive an email containing a link and instructions to apply for a postal vote and future communications from Bolton Labour Party..(Required)

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